Tag: Global Philanthropy

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Trends in International Giving

Knowing giving trends is essential for keeping your fundraising program fresh. This is especially true in a constantly-changing philanthropic space.

Understanding these trends is essential for you to adapt your strategies and identify areas for improvement. If you’d like my feedback on your adapted annual fundraising plan, send it to me here.

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Can a USA Family Foundation Make Grants Outside the U.S.?

We at NPI Strategies are often asked, “Can we (a USA Family Foundation) make grants outside the U.S.? Family foundations can safely grant to non-501(c)(3) organizations outside the U.S. as long as they follow one of two special sets of procedures: expenditure responsibility or equivalency determination.

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Building On Fair Trade. Think Ownership.

Building On Fair Trade. Think Ownership.

By: Michael Taylor, CFRE, CEO Something new is happening to dramatically impact poverty for millions of low-income people. The intangible value of products has outpaced their physical value. What this means for low-income farmers and producers across Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and South America is that achieving intellectual property (IP) ownership from the inception of the idea all the way through to the retail sale is a source of millions of dollars of income that should stay in their wallet and not be given away to others. IP and supply-chain ownership works for big brands such as Coca Cola, Apple,

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What's Driving International Fundraising

What’s Driving International Fundraising?

By: Michael Taylor, CFRE, CEO Do you want more international funding? I’d bet you do, who wouldn’t? With that in mind, I recently attended a two-day summit at the United Nations devoted to funding the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The event was sponsored by the United Nations Development Program and CAF America, a global grant-making organization that provides philanthropic advisory services to corporations, foundations, and individuals. We grant seekers were an anomaly among a group of 40 donor advisors, evaluators and foundation program officers (community, corporate, family and private). The highly interactive program focused on: The capacity of businesses to

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