Tag: Nonprofit News

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Let Your Donors Know – 2021 Tax Incentives

Here are SPECIAL 2021 TAX INCENTIVES FOR GIVING for you to let your donors know. Congress has provided several economic incentives to help address the far-reaching effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, including additional tax incentives to encourage charitable giving. These incentives are temporary and are scheduled to expire at the end of 2021.

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Stop The Postal Rate Hike

This is an urgent postal alert. If your organization uses the U.S. Mail for fundraising, membership development, or communications you should be taking action today. Let me explain. The United…

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How The American Rescue Plan Helps Nonprofits

President Joe Biden signed into law the American Rescue Plan on March 11, 2021, providing desperately needed COVID-19 relief. The American Rescue Plan provides many benefits to nonprofits. The sweeping $1.9…
Understanding these trends is essential for you to adapt your strategies and identify areas for improvement. If you’d like my feedback on your adapted annual fundraising plan, send it to me here.

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Happy Anniversary Nonprofit!

Happy Anniversary Nonprofit!

By: Michael Taylor, CFRE, CEO Wow, 10, 20, perhaps 50 years have gone by. Happy Anniversary nonprofit! How can you make this auspicious rite of passage incredibly memorable in the eyes of your donors? Well, first, getting the news out, through multiple channels, is at the heart of an anniversary celebration. That means postal mail, email, video, and all your social media channels. We’re fond of large postcards too and personal card mail services like Gratzie. But engagement with your donors about the anniversary news is what we really seek. An announcement is one way to communicate, but engagement is

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